your mission, should you choose to accept it: PLAY EVERY DAY. and check-in on friday's to brag about how much fun you're having. if you're a little out of practice in the play department, you may need some help getting started. here are a few ideas that are guaranteed to make you feel like a kid again…*
- watch cartoons
- make a fort
- twirl around until you're dizzy
- dig in the dirt
- dance in your pajamas
- get a joke a day sent to your inbox
- have a slumber party
- go barefoot in the grass
- build a sandcastle
- eat dessert first
- have a disney movie marathon
- finger paint
- sing out loud in your car
- buy something from the ice cream truck
- smile at a stranger
- pick wildflowers
* i'd love to add to this list as the year progresses…be sure to send me your suggestions to add playfulness into your daily routine, and i'll give you credit here!
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